Thursday, October 31, 2019

Sexuality Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Sexuality - Essay Example The lack of genital sensation through injury, for instance, or the fact that somebody does not engage in sexual intercourse or fantasy, does not preclude him or her from being sexual.†1 From this definition it can be seen that a person’s sexuality will largely depend on how he or she feels about his or her self and what are the life experiences that leads to such feelings. As an individual develops into an adult, several factors mould the person’s perceptions. Historical, cultural, social, economical and political backgrounds play a major role in determining the personality of an individual and all these aspects will reflect on the person’s attitude, including his or her approach to sexuality. The said factors may also influence the person’s sexual orientation. Thus, sexuality cannot be understood from a single point of view or perspective because human sexual behaviour is complex and has a wide range. Therefore, it has engaged the interest of philos ophers and psychologists right from the ancient times. The eastern cultures, especially the Indians, have explored the topic with an aesthetic approach. The book ‘Kamasutra’ written by a sage named Vatsyayana, is a classic example where â€Å"sexuality is acknowledged as a form of psychic energy which can legitimately find expression in a myriad ways, ranging from tender romantic love and conjugal concord to straightforward lust.†2 This theory focuses on the different ways of sexual expression, and it recognises both tender love and lust as reasonable sexual expressions. It also doesn’t believe that any such sexual expression should be considered as immodest.

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

LCA REPORT Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

LCA REPORT - Essay Example (UNEP 2001-2003). Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) is a tool for the systematic evaluation of the environmental aspects of a product or service system through all stages of its life cycle. The assessment provides an adequate instrument for environmental decision support. In this paper we will use the life cycle of a kettle as our reference. The study of a kettle has used a flexible life cycle assessment (LCA) and cost model. The model has been used to assess and compare the environmental impacts and associated economic costs. Based on the standards made by the International Standards Organization, the LCA consists of four phases: The goal and scope definition, inventory analysis, impact assessment and interpretation. The phases of LCA is an interactive process, in which subsequent interactions can achieve increasing levels of detail or lead to changes in the first phase prompted by the results of the last phase. The life cycle assessment has proven to be a valuable tool to document and analyze environmental considerations of product and service systems that need to be part of decision making toward sustainability. Goal and Scope definition: the product or services to be assessed are defined a functional basis for comparison is chosen and the required level of detail is defined. The steps in identifying the goal and scope includes the defining of the purpose of the LCA study, ending with the definition of the functional unit, which is the quantitative reference for the study. Defining the scope of the study includes the drawing up of a flowchart of the unit processes that constitute the product system under study, taking into account a first estimation of their inputs from and outputs to the environment ( the elementary flows or burdens to the environment). Defining the data required, which includes a specification of the data required both for the inventory analysis and for the subsequent impact assessment phase. The Inventory analysis - the energy carriers and raw materials used, the emissions to atmosphere, water and soil, and different types of land use are quantified for each process, then combined in the process flow chart and related to the functional basis. In this phase the following steps must be taken: Data collection which includes the specification of all input and output flows of the processes of the product system, both product flows (i.e flows to other unit processes) and elementary flows (from and to the environment). Normalization to the functional unit, which means that all data collected are quantitatively related to one quantitative output of the product system under study, most typically 1 kg of the material is chosen, but often other units like car or 1 km of mobility are preferred. Allocation which means the distribution of the emissions and resource extractions of a given process over the different functions such a process. Data evaluation, which involves a quality assessment of the data by performing sensitivity analyses. The result of the Inventory Analysis, consisting of the elementary flows related to the functional unit, is called the Life Cycle Inventory Table. Impact assessment, in this phase the effects of the resource use and emissions generated are group and quantified into a limited number of impact categories which there maybe weighted for importance. This aim to make

Sunday, October 27, 2019

UFO Alien Earth

UFO Alien Earth UFO (Unidentified Flying Object) is not a new word for every one, and every one are very understands the meaning for this word, that means is the flying object can not be identified or the flying object never see before by the observer also can call it to UFO. (Roswell UFO Incident 2007) Every day, has a lot of the hearsay or news about the UFO or aliens to go the round to us, and this word or this topic are also to come for the scientist and astronomers to thorough study this topic and very constructive to find out the proof to support he or she contention and need to proof human whether alone in the world. Have half of the people believed that the UFO or alien is really existence, and they believed human is not alone in the world. But on other side is disagree this statement and believed human is alone in the world, the reason is they never see UFO and alien before, so they do not believe that about other â€Å"high wisdom living things† is existence. This essay will examine the arguments about existence of Alien and UFO. The existence of alien believe by some of the people is because there are about three different ways or statement to make the people believe the high wisdom living things that refer to alien is existence, that are included the UFO appear in front of them before, the various unimaginable activities make by the alien hearsay are spread for every day, and they found a lot of the alien vestige from the history. This all is a reasons to make the people believed the alien is existence and human is not alone in the world. Start from the era of 40, the cases of UFO are keep on coming out on the difference places in the world and more than million peoples have say that they have meet UFO before. In the presence of all the cases, the case on 13 March 1997 is more famous in the history due to the time where more than ten thousand people visit the unimaginable image together; this case comes up from the Phoenix city of America. On that day night of Arizona of America, around ten thousand peoples saw the sky appear 5 to 6 unidentified object of light and they to arrange in V word and fly over the city with very slowly and quietly, The visitor say, the size for every unidentified object of light bigger like the 747 airplane. This case became the citizen very scared and fear the alien will attack earth and they start to believe the aliens is really existence. The sheriff of Arizona of America on that time, make a news conference and deny this case is true to solve this case to make the citizen scared. But aft er ten years ago, this sheriff recognize he speak a falsehood on that time, the purpose for he speak a falsehood is needs to maintain the social order and dun want make the citizen feel scared, because he is public must be responsible what he talking and every word he say also will influence the people thinking and felling, so he choice speck a falsehood. After few years ago, he feel very guilty conscience and he think he needs to telling a true to every one, he say, on that day night he also have visit the unidentified object of light and say that light very beautiful and the flying object size very bigger, they saw the situation is same with the visitor on that time. After he makes a statement publicly, the topic of the UFO becomes the hot topic immediately, and he also is a first high ranking office to recognize the UFO case is true. (UFO Incident 2007) After they experience the situation that are unexplainable, they also say and believed the UFO is transportation for the aliens to come to our planet, earth. And the appearance of the UFO has three types that is shape like disc, sphere, and the shape like a cigar, but the same is that (UFO) also can flying very high speed, shine and the size big like the 747 airplane. And the alien is establishing to living thing coming from other planet, and they are other very high wisdom living thing except human in the world. And they can be differentiate to smaller, bigger than human and the body size same with human 3 difference types are hearsay before, and they have very big eye and skull, and no any hair on they head. (The mystery of Alien n.d.) this all is descriptive by the detector, and many types of the UFO and alien maybe is not come from same places, or other exposition is difference UFO have differences function, for the example, we have airplane, bombing plane, helicopter, and so on. Difference types of alien can be exposition to difference race, for the example, in our earth have American, Chinese, Indian, African, difference race have difference size of body and difference color of skin. (The mystery of Alien n.d.) In this all of the cases in the history, though the government denies all the cases, the reason is needs to maintain the social order, but other side, the government secretly conducts a lot of the project to study the UFO and the alien cases, because they start scared the reasons for the alien to come to our planet, because happen more and more cases of kidnapping that are related to alien. They believe he or she is kidnapping by the alien is because he or she body also can found the metal blade, and on they skin for the part of embedding the metal blade haven any scar, in our medical skill is can not or impossible can do that, this show they kidnapping by the alien maybe is true and other civilization medical skill is more over than human. And after study by the scientist, discover have 11 material in the metal blade is no in earth, this show the 11 material maybe is come from other planet, and the person after kidnapping by the alien normally will losses they memory, after adopt th e hypnotherapy just know what happen occur on he or she experience. (The mystery of Alien n.d.) Start from 1966, the United Nation seriously noted the cases of the aliens; the reason is wants to avoid the war of interplanetary at first, because the technology level is lower than the alien. The air force schools on America already provide the Ufology course to teach the soldier how to identify the flying object and how to handle when engage with the alien. (Verification of UFO and Alien n.d.) this can show that, the government start run some programs to avoid conflict with alien. In other sides, though the government denies the cases, but the unexplained cases also keep it on to come out and the case is the government can not to denies, because the images is happening in front of the peoples, for the example, the farm, many beautiful and special logo come out in the farm. The first case is come out on 1983 in England, after that, the different logo happening more and more come out on different places. The most special aspect is that every logo in the farm also have more higher radiometer and the wheat is dump and have not snap, and when the farm come out the logo, the farm harvest will be increase. The scientist until now also unable to give an answer and do not know how to solve this mystery. Another incident is that, a person saw how the logo have been done, he said, the logo is big in size but it only take around 3 second but there do not any witness around the happening and than a lot of the questions could not be answer by the scientist, so most people i t is make by the other high wisdom living things, and they try to use it all logo to tell us somethings, but no any one know what the means for they try to telling us. (Alien Wheat logo 2007) This incident was unable to be denied by the government because the logo was showed in front of the people. Beside that, except a lot of the cases about the UFO is happening right now but they (alien) do not just discover by us, actually, they come to our planet already have more than thousand years ago, in our history already have record the cases of the UFO, but on that time, they have not idea or dun not know what is that, and they just thinks or explain they is a cloud of colorful ( because UFO have a lot of the light, so looking like a cloud and very colorful.) a ring of the light, and have some person thinks they is god. This all normally is record on the hymnbook. Furthermore, except record on the hymnbook, are also have record on the wall-painting, the pyramid is a good example for this, because on the wall-painting in the pyramid appear the image of the airplane, helicopter, computer in that, it really inconceivable. Because the first airplane in come out on 1903, but now discover that appear on 3000 years ago on the wall-painting in the pyramid, this make the people of archeology associate the alien have come here before, if follow this statement, just can explain the pyramid is build by the alien, because on that time the Egyptian is not enough technology to do that, and they is impossible to move the stone (the most lightly stone is around 2.5 ton, and most weight stone is around 50 ton) and carry it and fix it into the pyramid. (Sciencehuman Inc n.d.) So, after more and more unexplained cases come out and this is only way can answer this all is other high wisdom civilization from other planet is really existence and human is not alone in the world. Although have a lot of the statement to show the alien is existence, but other side of the peoples still persist in ones opinion and unbelievable have other living things existence in the world. The reasons of them persistent is they haven see alien or UFO before, and have a lot of the proof or photo is counterfeit, make it by some bodies. Other of the reasons is they believe the government and the scientist statement, and have a lot of the flying object is new technology, just is military aircraft, not a UFO. Even thought have a lot of the hearsay is about the cases of the UFO, but, this statement for the peoples is wrong, because in their opinion, they just will assume all this cases is the counterfeit, the reason is, if the case is really happening more and more, why they haven see before. And they believe that, the hearsay also is some bodies to make it out, the purposed for they make it out maybe is needs to destroy the social order, for fun, or maybe is needs to achieve the purposed to get the political power. For the example, have a picture spread on internet, which picture show the president of America, shake hands with alien. The picture maker must needs to destroy he prestige, and let the peoples thinks he collaboration with alien and betray human, and himself (the picture maker) just can get more the political power if the president to fall from power. After that, the president has to clarify some facts, and take the picture say that is counterfeit. (The Biggest Secret Forum 200 3) this has showed that, the cases of alien just is maker by some one that is not trued. Other then that, the scientist overthrows the statement of the alien is existence, the reason is, if the alien is really existence, but the distance between solar system and most near by stellar system also have 4.3 a light-year, that mean if the alien to travel by the airship with more quickly, also need to spend more then ten thousand years, they is impossible have enough the fuel material and they is impossible can live logger like that, so the alien come to our planet is not possible. The reason of the peoples visit the flying objects normally is related with the airplane, an artificial satellite, a planet, and the cause of atmosphere, is not the UFO, and the scientist ask the citizen needs cerebral, there just is the citizen illusion, the living things from other planet is not existence. (Scientists hold a negative attitude toward the UFO 2004) Beside that, have one more point to support the peoples visit the UFO is mistakes, that is the new technology, because the new technology are integration to the new design flying object, and the new flying object is the citizen haven see it before, and when the new flying object appear in front of the peoples, that will make them mistaking and thinks that is UFO. Actually now have a lot of the developed countries already have a lot of the flying objects for the new design or new technology is haven to make known to the public, for the example like the F-117 invisible opportunity for combat make by America also is difference with the tradition opportunity for combat, if the America government no make known to the public, the citizen also will thinks that is UFO when the F-117 appear. Except the F-117 also have a lot of the flying object for new design is not making known to the public again, for the example like England have success to develop the new flying object and give a name to GFS. The figure of this flying object most looking like UFO, actually this function most like UAV, just only research and take photo from the sky, and help to rescue hostage. And now the war industries try to fix the unpiloted system to GFS to reduce the numbers of the casualty. (British development of new types of unmanned aircraft appearance did were quite similar UFO 2007) In conclusion, after research a lot of the point for the alien is not existence, but in my thinking or my opinion, I still believe the living things from other planet is existence and they is really appear in earth, the cases of the hearsay is not counterfeit at all, the reason is, I believe technology can overcome any things hinder in our facing now, for the example, the report for the F-117 before done, also show this opportunity for combat is no people can operate it, because the pressure of the speed is not fitting and proper for the people to operate it. After developed, and give some special training to the operator, finally the result is successes. This show the technology is can overcome any hinder and i thinks they (alien) is overcome all of the problems, so they can fly over the stellar system to our planet. I believe human also can do it finally. Reference Alien Wheat logo 2007. Retrieved: November 15, 2007, from British development of new types of unmanned aircraft appearance did were quite similar UFO 2007. Retrieved: November 15, 2007, from Roswell UFO Incident 2007. Retrieved: November 15, 2007, from http://en.wikipedia.orgwikiRoswell_UFO_incident.mht Sciencehuman Inc n.d. Retrieved: November 15, 2007, from http://www.sciencehuman.commysterymystery2004mystery200403d3.htm.mht Scientists hold a negative attitude toward the UFO 2004. Retrieved: November 15, 2007, from The Biggest Secret Forum 2003. Retrieved: November 15, 2007, from The mystery of Alien n.d. Retrieved: November 15, 2007, from http://hk.geocities.combrianlin2004alien.htm UFO Incident 2007. Retrieved: November 15, 2007, from http://en.wikipedia.orgwiki_UFO_incident.mht Verification of UFO and Alien n.d. Retrieved: November 15, 2007, from Appendix The wheat is dump. These appear on the pyramid wall-painting. The picture of GFS. Bush showing the hoax ET picture to the press.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Lifespan Development Essay -- Sociology Life Span Developing Essays

Lifespan Development   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Going back forty-five years is not an easy task to complete because I can’t remember some of the finer details of my childhood. I know I was born on a hot August afternoon in Birth Year at Place Of Birth in City ands State. My mother was just twenty-two at the time and was already the mother of two, I was her third child. My father was twenty-one and already a workaholic, I know because my mother would constantly remind me not to be like that. My mother and father were good parents and they tried to give us the best upbringing they could. My father was the kind of person that believed he should provide and protect his family, and he did a very good job of doing that. During my pre adolescent years, as best as I can recall, my mother was the driving influence behind my development. She is a good person and a mother with an iron will and a strict way, and I believe that she was one of my first role models. My father played a part in my development also. He instilled in me the morals and values that I have today and I thank him for that. Unfortunately my father passed away thirteen years ago before I had a chance to tell him that. My brother and sister were influences as well. I have always looked up to my older brother because he was so independent and free as we were growing up. He would always take time and play with me and teach me things, he was the person that actually taught me how to write my name in cursive the first time. My sister...

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Midterm essay exam

Q#1: Regarding science and religion, what historically has changed? Explain. It is a fact that in history, science and religion are always having conflict with each other. This should not be the scenario since the history had proved that in the Western culture, there were two books entitled The Book of Nature and the Book of Scripture that was believed to be bought created by God. The history of science had been associated with many religious works. During the Middle Ages, there was a time that the Islamic countries had embraced the science of mathematics, and astronomy that was being turned away by the Christian Europe. The scientific teachings were based from the ancient Greek discoveries. The Islamic people consisting of Muslim scholars had done additional developments in the field of scientific teachings. However, in the thirteenth century the Christian Europe again had decided to embrace the scientific heritage. They were commonly called the Christian monks and Christian theologians. In the entire duration of the late Middle Ages and even in the Renaissance period, almost all the scientist was also the people who leads the church. As the history continued in the eighteenth century, more and more men of science were also deep believers of different religions. The church had also begun to take part in influencing the universities and all institutes that promote higher form of teachings. Schools for the trainings to become clergy and other church functionaries were also being established. An essential breakthrough in the seventeenth century which is called the â€Å"scientific revolution† had again involved men from the religious groups who were the great pioneers and founders of the renewed science. Almost all the science founders aimed that they could put harmony in their works in science and their obligations in their religion. Not until the start of the nineteenth century, this was the common thought of the scientist. The start of the nineteenth century up to these days had marked a notable change in the history of science and religion. The warfare for science and religion had started with the revolutionary book Charles Darwin entitled â€Å"On the Evolution of Species by Means of Natural Selection†. Many scientists had several views that pertain to the thought that religion is a great threat to science which was carried until these days (Faith and Reasons, 2007). Q#2: Discuss the importance of the circle as a symbol for indigenous religions. Circle as a symbol for the indigenous religions refers to the sacred space. The sacred space describes a magical ritual. The magical ritual is a practice that is being utilized in the Ritual Magic and In Wicca. The magical ritual came from the practices of the medieval magic and witchcraft. This symbol was shared by most of the folk magicians in many countries. The temple of initiation which is circular simply means that it is a representation of the universe is the main point of the Zoroasteric mysteries of Persia. In the circular temple there is a sun located in the east which is also represented as a circle that symbolizes the universe. A celebration in Athens termed as the great mysteries of Eleusis indeed given points that the circle is the symbolism for the universe. According to one of the officers from St. Chrysostom, the circular figure represented the sun. Moreover, in the Egyptian mysteries of Osiris also contains the sun as referred to the representation of the universe. They have this so called Sun-god who appeared into the Earth in the sun’s settings. The temple of initiation of the Celtic mysteries of Druids is also an oval or a circle. It is an oval because the circular temple of initiation represents the routinary egg which symbolizes the earth. Some temples of initiation of the Celtic mysteries is also circular aside from being oval because for them, the circular figure was the symbol of the universe. The temple of initiation sometimes is also built following the cruciform. The reason of the cruciform is that it represents the reference to the four elements. The four elements are commonly termed as the components of the universe. The use of the circle as an important symbol for the indigenous religions had only proven the many uses of the circle in the ancient times. Moreover, the many uses of the circle had also proven its universality as an important symbol in the ancient times (Emick, 2007). Q#3: What is the foundational core of Buddhist teachings? Explain. Buddhism is known to be a dharmic religion. It is also regarded as a philosophy. It is commonly known as the Buddha Dharma or the Dhamma. Buddha Dharma signifies the â€Å"teachings of the awakened one†. It was founded by Siddharta Gautama around the fifth century BCE. Siddharta Gautama was referred to as â€Å"The Buddha†. Siddharta Gautama had introduced the Four Noble Truth that was considered to be the fundamental core of the Buddhist teachings. The Four Noble Truth was a way for them to attain the bodhi and the termination of pain and suffering or what is commonly called the Nirvana. The first noble truth of the Buddhist teaching is the Dukkha. Dukkha is called the noble truth of suffering. The noble truth of suffering is a part of all the stages in the life of a person. Since birth until the death of a Buddhist, he experience suffering. Moreover, Buddhism principles are also centered with suffering. Sufferings in the life of a Buddhist include sufferings during his birth and aging. Having a disease or illness is also part of the Buddhist sufferings. The second noble truth is called the Samudaya which means that the sufferings in the first noble truth are solely caused by desire. The result of the sufferings is simply explained by the Samudaya. Expectations that are linked to the desires of a believer and most especially the attachment of the believer to the desires are the ones that explain the Samudaya (Boddhi, 2000). Nirodha is the third noble truth. It symbolizes the termination of suffering. As the sufferings had ended and were being forgotten by the Buddhist, these means that the understanding of the right meaning of the Nirodha had been inculcated in him. And in order for the believer to entirely forget and free himself from a suffering, he must be able give up and surrender the pains he had gone through. The forth and the final noble truth is the termination of the desires or what is called as the Magga. In order for the believer to get rid of his desires he must follow the Eightfold Path. The Noble Eightfold Path consists of the right view, right intention, right speech and right action. Right livelihood, effort, mindfulness and concentration are also included in the Noble Eightfold Path (Yamamoto, 2000). Q#4: What was the role of the Temple for ancient Judaism? According to the book of Chronicles, the First Temple was built in the 10th century BCE. This was built by King Solomon for seven years to replace the Tabernacle of Moses and the Tabernacles of Shiloh, Nov and Givon. These Tabernacles were also once the center point for the Jewish faith. The First Temple had symbolized the center of ancient Judaism. For the entire millennium, the First Temple had continued to be the central point for all the services done by the Jewish. As time had passed, the First Temple was destroyed by the Babylonians in 586. After seventy years, it was again built by Cyrus the Great in 516 BCE. The temple had been the Second Temple. There are many roles of the in the ancient Judaism. During the time when the course of the bible of Hebrews was being carried out, the temple serves to be the place for offerings. The offerings include the daily and the morning ones. Offerings done on Shabbat and Jewish holidays which are considered special for the Hebrews were also celebrated in the Temple. During the course of the offerings, there will be a certain time when the Levites recite psalms. Psalms such as the Psalm of the Day and special psalms for the new month are the ones recited by the Jewish. The temple for the ancient Judaism is meant to be the model and recreation of the Garden of Eve. That is the reason while the courtyards of the Temple contained plenty of trees, flowers and fountains (Stager, 2000). For the Jewish, the temple is viewed as central or the focal point wherein rituals are done. It was then considered to be the only place wherein the creation of contact between men, women and the higher spheres were done.   It is the place considered to be the eternal dwelling place for the Jewish in order for them to do contact with the powers above them. Moreover, it was also a place which they believed the place where their gods have crossed in order to surpass their celestial environment to be able to descend on earth (Nibley, 1992). References: Bhikkhu Bodhi (2000). â€Å"The Collected Discourses of the Buddha: A new translation of the Samyutta Nikaya†. Somerville: Wisdom Publications. Retrieved July 27, 2007 from   Emick, Jennifer. (2007). Your Guide to Alternative Religion. The New York Times Company. Retrieved July 27, 2007 from Faith and Reasons. (2007). History of Science and Religion. Retrieved July 27, 2007 from Mackey, Albert. (2007). The Symbolisms of Free Masonry. The New York Times Company. Retrieved July 27, 2007 from Nibley, Hugh W. (1992). The meaning and functions of Temples. Encyclopedia of Mormonism, Vol. 4. Macmillan Publishing Company. Retrieved July 26, 2007 from Stager, Lawrence. (2006). Garden of Eve. Biblical Archaeology Review. Retrieved July 26, 2007 from Yamamoto, Kosho. (2000) The Mahayana Mahaparinirvana Sutra in 12 Volumes (Nirvana Publications. Retrieved July 27, 2007 from   

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Analysis of an Ethical Dilemma Essay

There are times when life takes an unforeseen route, and one is faced with an obstacle or situation that was not expected. Many people are diagnosed with terminal diseases, have accidents and are left with severe impairments, and suffer horrendous complications from medical issues. One has the right, according to law, to make medical decisions about their care and treatment options. But should one have the right to end their life? Assisted, or voluntary euthanasia, is the direct administration of a lethal agent to end one’s life at the request of the patient (Tamayo-Velazquez, Simon-Lorda, & Cruz-Piqueras, 2012, p. 678). Should a person have to intolerably suffer for the duration of their disease or disability, or should they have the right to choose to end their life? Related Ethical Implications and Obligations Voluntary euthanasia naturally sparks the debate between â€Å"morality and legality† (Young, 2010). Ethical implications come with being faced with if assisted euthanasia is morally justified, or if respecting one’s right to make choices about their life, including end of life decisions, supersedes all other aspects of the subject. Nurses are an integral part in end of life care of patients, and often times are witness to those expressing the desire to die. Ethical dilemmas are currently high regarding end of life care in nursing, and would only grow more complicated and severe if assisted euthanasia became legal worldwide, as nurses would not only provide comfort measures, but rather be a part of ending life. Currently, assisted euthanasia is legal in three countries; the Netherlands, Belgium, and Luxembourg. Euthanasia is considered murder in every other place in the world. (â€Å"Assisted Suicide & Death with Dignity,† 2013). In the United States, there are currently three states, Oregon, Montana, and Washington, where Physician Assisted Suicide, or PAS, is legal. PAS is referred to as the â€Å"Death with Dignity Act â€Å"and permits doctors to prescribe a lethal  overdose to a patient who is expected to die within six months. This decision is totally dependent upon patient wishes, and physicians are not obligated to inform families, only to write the prescription (â€Å"Analysis of Assisted Suicide Initiative,† 2013). In any other state, assisted suicide is considered manslaughter and is punishable by law. Assisted euthanasia remains a hot topic worldwide, and aims to pass laws are constantly challenged. Ethical Theories Ethical decisions are always difficult for the nurse to make in a challenging situation Confidentiality and privacy are part of ethical issues but can raise confusion as to the best direction of an action for a nurse to take. There is a need for nurses to know that patient obligations and laws concerning privacy and confidentiality matters. Healthcare has the HIPAA law that guides patient’s privacy (HIPAA. ORG, 2008) which is essential for nurses to understand the pertinent guidelines or rules on confidentiality so as to carry out their practices based on the law guidelines. The code of ethics states, â€Å"The nurse advocates for, promotes and strives towards safety, health and the patients’ rights (ANA, 2010). (ANA, 2010) stated that Deontology theory is helpful for the nurse to judges the morality of an action based on the action’s adherence to rules. Whether an action is ethical depends on the intentions behind the decisions rather than the outcomes that result. Beneficence represents compassion on the other hand, taking positive action to help others and desire to do good which is the core principle of our patient advocacy. (Butts, J. B., & Rich, K. L, 2008). Autonomy theory hel p nurses respect and honor a patients or clients right to make a course of action and support independent decision making. While the right to autonomy is not to hurt or negatively impact an outcome, it often gives the nurse a sense of freedom to choose a moral decision. Voluntary assisted euthanasia may be justified with the Beneficence theory but ethically wrong for the nurse in assisting. Impact of social valves, morals, and norms The Terry Schiavo case was perhaps the highest profile case to ever address the issue of prolonging one’s life when that person suffers a life-altering medical tragedy. With her husband fighting on one side for the right to not prolong her life and multiple parties, including her other family members, fighting for the right to prolong her life, this case took national media and even the courts by  storm. The case brought to light what has been called the â€Å"right-to-die† question. Because she lacked a living will, the courts were left to determine what her finals wishes would have been in a situation like this. Legally speaking, the court in Florida found that people have the right to refuse medical treatment, and that right extends to them even when they are in a vegetative state. This case was complicated because there was no clear consensus on whether Schiavo would have liked to exercise that right. Ultimately, her husband was able to convince the court of this, and his persuasiveness came largely because he was the closest person to her and was thus in the best position to understand her wishes. The case brought about complicated ethical issues, especially for the medical professionals involved. Nurses and doctors are under an oath to preserve life whenever possible, but they must also respect the wishes of patients. Because the decision involved removing a feeding tube rather than taking any direct action to harm the patient, medical professionals were able to comply with court orders without violating their oath. It is also worth noting that this case was complicated by social and political issues. Pro-life groups advocated on behalf of Schiavo’s family, and President George W. Bush even tried to intervene. Some argue that these things were designed to make a political point. Implementing an ethical theory Implementing an ethical theory or principle to address an ethical dilemma should involve identifying the type of ethical problem. Doing this lays the groundwork for the trajectory in the caring response. From here, an ethical theory can be implemented and methodically followed to conclude with the best caring response. In the case of Terry Schiavo, there were ambiguities of who should make the decisions. With this, a locus of authority was established to this ethical problem and ultimately, the Supreme Court would act as the moral agent. With the trajectory set, the Supreme Court was now going to be held responsible for the caring response outcome. Furthermore, the Courts would likely have to rely on a narrative approach to ethical decision making. Purtilo and Doherty  (2011) define the narrative approach as information told through stories that, as a result, affect the human experience. With the barrage of coming from the Schiavo case, the Supreme Court must be sure to gather all the relevant details in order to establish facts, relationships and values. Consequently, this is the first step in many ethical theories as well as Purtilo and Doherty’s (2011, p. 103) six steps to ethical decision making. The determination of an ethical decision in deeply rooted in personal and societal values. The ethical theory provides the framework, but it is the value-laden details that guide the decision (Aulisio & Arnold, 2008). With this said an accurate prediction with regard to cases such as Terry Schiavo would be the immediate intervention of ethics committees to mitigate lengthy legal processes and preserving a caring response. Conclusion In this case all of the moral and social valves that were implicated involved nursing ethics. Nurses play an important role in caring for patients that are at the end of life. Nurses must understand the issues that involve assisted euthanasia because of the legal and ethical implications that are involved. Nurses must have adequate knowledge and understanding of assisted death to prevent themselves from violating their personal and professional ethics. References Analysis of Washington Assisted Suicide Initiative {I-1000}. (2013). Retrieved from Assisted Suicide & Death with Dignity: Past, Present & Future – Part III. (2013). Retrieved from Aulisio, M. & Arnold, M. (2008). Role of the Ethics Committee: Helping To Address Value Conflicts or Uncertainties. Retrieved from Beauchamp, T. L., & Childress, J. F. (2009). Principles of biomedical ethics (6th ed., pp. 38- 39).New York, NY: Oxford University Press. Butts, J. B., & Rich, K. L. (2008). Nursing ethics across the curriculum and into practice (2nd ed., pp. 21-22). Sunbury, MA: Jones and Bartlett. Purtilo, Doherty. (2011). Ethical Dimensions in the Health Professions (5th ed). W.B. Saunders Company. Retrieved from Tamayo-Velazquez, M., Simon-Lorda, P., & Cruz-Piqueras, M. (2012). Euthanasia and physician assisted suicide: Knowledge, attitudes and experiences of nurses in Andalusia {Spain}. Nursing Ethics, 19{5}, 677-691. Young, R. (2010). Voluntary Euthanasia. Retrieved from

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Free Essays on Antigone Book Report

1. Title of work: Antigone 2. Author and Date Written: Sophocles 1962 3. Country Of Author: Greece 4. Characters: Major: Antigone – Antigone is very (immovable) and (unwilling) because when she is told not to do something by king Creon she still does what she believes in. For example, â€Å"What Creon says is irrelevant. He is my brother. I will bury him.† Creon – Creon is very (stubborn) and (foolish) because when everyone tells him to release Antigone and bury her brother Polynicies he does not and it leads him to be alone. For example, â€Å"I’m not the man to sit quietly by and watch my country sliding towards the precipice of ruin nor can I be friend to my country’s foe† Minor: Chorus – the chorus is very (wise) and (all knowing) because they warned Creon of what was going to happen but he did not listen. For example, â€Å"It is a wise saying, that when God is set against you, You welcome the path to ruin,-but not for long.† Ismene – Ismene is very (cautious) (serving) because she does not want to help Antigone in the beginning break the law and is very serving because she still wanted to take part of the blame of what Antigone did. For example, â€Å"You intend to bury him? It’s forbidden.† Hameon – Hameon is a very (honest) and (obedient) man because when his father was going to kill Antigone he said that he was being foolish. For example, â€Å"They say that she deserves special honor for refusing to allowing the body of her brother to be left to the dogs and birds to pull to pieces.† 5. Settings: The setting of this book is in the palace of Creon. 6. Plot Summary: - Antigone argue with Ismene about burying her brother Polynicies - Creon creates the law that no one can bury Polynicies - Antigone is caught - Hameon argues with his father - Teiresias tells Creon of the prophecy - Antigone and Ismene is sent to the cave - Antigone hanged herself - Hameon kills himself - Eurydice kills her... Free Essays on Antigone Book Report Free Essays on Antigone Book Report 1. Title of work: Antigone 2. Author and Date Written: Sophocles 1962 3. Country Of Author: Greece 4. Characters: Major: Antigone – Antigone is very (immovable) and (unwilling) because when she is told not to do something by king Creon she still does what she believes in. For example, â€Å"What Creon says is irrelevant. He is my brother. I will bury him.† Creon – Creon is very (stubborn) and (foolish) because when everyone tells him to release Antigone and bury her brother Polynicies he does not and it leads him to be alone. For example, â€Å"I’m not the man to sit quietly by and watch my country sliding towards the precipice of ruin nor can I be friend to my country’s foe† Minor: Chorus – the chorus is very (wise) and (all knowing) because they warned Creon of what was going to happen but he did not listen. For example, â€Å"It is a wise saying, that when God is set against you, You welcome the path to ruin,-but not for long.† Ismene – Ismene is very (cautious) (serving) because she does not want to help Antigone in the beginning break the law and is very serving because she still wanted to take part of the blame of what Antigone did. For example, â€Å"You intend to bury him? It’s forbidden.† Hameon – Hameon is a very (honest) and (obedient) man because when his father was going to kill Antigone he said that he was being foolish. For example, â€Å"They say that she deserves special honor for refusing to allowing the body of her brother to be left to the dogs and birds to pull to pieces.† 5. Settings: The setting of this book is in the palace of Creon. 6. Plot Summary: - Antigone argue with Ismene about burying her brother Polynicies - Creon creates the law that no one can bury Polynicies - Antigone is caught - Hameon argues with his father - Teiresias tells Creon of the prophecy - Antigone and Ismene is sent to the cave - Antigone hanged herself - Hameon kills himself - Eurydice kills her...

Monday, October 21, 2019

sustained development essays

sustained development essays The term sustained development was used first time in 1983, when United Nations made a special report titled Our future. The idea of this development is rather simple and clear is has to support a better quality of everyones life, today and for generations to come. The definition is following: sustained development is development which meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. It sounds very nice, but it is not so easy to achieve four objectives have to be met at one time: a.) social progress which recognizes the needs of everyone it means that all people should gain the benefits of increasing prosperity, and environment which should be safe, clean, without pollution. b.) effective protection of the environment people should do everything what is possible to eliminate the pollution, climate change, in order to protect human health, wildlife, landscapes, historic buildings. c.) prudent use of natural resources people make to be sure, that they use non-renewable resources (like oil, gas) in efficient way and also that alternative sources of energy are developed to replace them when it will be indispensable. d.) maintance of high and stable levels of economic growth and unemployment everyone would be able to share in high standards of living, greater job opportunities. It means, that world needs high quality goods and services that consumer are able to pay for. To obtain this plan it is necessary to have workforce that is good educated and skilled. It also means, that world needs investors and infrastructure to support them., Sustained development is essential in todays world. The need for development is as great as ever, and it will pay back in the future. Nowadays there are many people whose income is less than 1 $Us a day, uncoun ...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Free sample - Annotated biography of James Baldwin. translation missing

Annotated biography of James Baldwin. Annotated biography of James BaldwinRandall Kenan. â€Å"The Cross of Redemption: Uncollected Writings by James Baldwin† (August 24, 2010) Pantheon. This book basically explains what the collection of James Baldwin’s The Cross of Redemption: Uncollected Writings is all about. The collection contains speeches and essays alike brought together and combined in a single book. The contents are mainly educational material and cover such topics as racism, past and present American literature and also educating black children. They contain among others Mass culture, some personal notes, creative writing and he also goes ahead to discuss different novelists of his time. In this way, Baldwin is portrayed as a teacher, preacher and also a smart person in his times. In his review, Randall Kenan, a renowned novelists and book reviewer, James Baldwin is portrayed as a very good novelist who will express his feelings without fear and also tend to go for what he wants. His brave writings and discussions of other different novelist is very amazing. He also looks at the different aspects of language as used at that time and also examines the evolution of these dialects, especially in the black community. This source is a very simple straight forward and it vividly brings out James Baldwin’s character. It can be recommended to readers who desire to know more about novel authors and their history. Bigsby, C. W. E. The Committed Writer: James Baldwin as Dramatist Vol. 13, No. 1 (Apr., 1967), pp. 39-48 In this biograpgy by Bigsby C. W. E., James Baldwin is described as a dramatist as the title suggests. This is in reference to his work entitled ‘The Native son’, which basically brings out his roots as having been born in Harlem. James Baldwin’s intention was basically to emancipate humanity from the narrow view of life that they had (pp. 39). And in his later publications, he ruffled some feathers and caused some friction, with for example Wright. Bigsby C. W. E., a Twentieth Century Literature analyst, evaluates the works of Baldwin and compares them to his way of life. This is an easy to understand piece of work and it will go a long way to aid my presentation in that Baldwin’s character is brought out clearly. For those who would like to know about Baldwin’s charcter and perspective, this is the book for them. Mabe, Chauncey. Baldwin's Harlem: A Biography by Herb Boyd (22 February 2008) South Florida Sun-Sentinel (MCT) Chauncey Mabe analyzes the skill of James Baldwin as a novelist. In his book Baldwin’s Harlem, ambition and experimentation is evaluated. It basically brings aiut his character relative to the Harlem neighborhood where he was born and brought up. Boyd examoines Baldwin ‘s childhood character and behaviour as sensitive and odd-lloking and not fitting in the setting. However, in this piece of work, Boyd increasingly critisizes Baldwin for hi actions in discussing the authors who mentored him, and portraying Harlem as a cornerstone of hi life’s upbringing. Although this is not the case throughout, he sometimes highlights the strong points in Baldwin’s life. This is a very good critique of Baldwin and brings out his weaknesses and negatives. This work can be recommeded to those non-fiction lovers interested in Baldwins’s background check. Rasbury, Angeli R. Go Tell it on the Mountain (September 26, 1995) Modern Library; New Ed edition publishe in Sacred Fire. Angeli Rasbury notes that the James Baldwin’s novel â€Å"Go Tell It on the Mountain† is considered as one of his greatest works. He notes also that this novel draws much of its development on Baldwin’s childhood experience and upbringing in the slums of Harlem, thereby bringing out inspiration to his writings. In this novel, aspects of racism, sexual orientation as being gay , religious doubt and a rough experience with his complicated father while growing up are embedded. Featuring John Grimes, this book is in three parts where Johns horrific experiences are shared in part one, his parent’s difficult experiences in part two and finally his yielding to religious ways in part three. It has numerous biblical references evoking the black church. This is a straight forward book and illustrates the life of James Baldwin. Blues for Mister Charlie This is a play written by James Baldwin to depict the way the perceived the white man, that is ‘Mr. Charlie’. It is a play based on the story of a young black man, Emmet Till who was murdered in 1955 in Mississippi. In this set up, the strength of the black man in that generation is developed. That is the establishment of the Negro’s full manhood in the country. Basically set up in the American South in the 1960’s when there was terror on blacks. It depicts the trial, consequences and results of a white man that executed killings of blacks. Basically, ‘the blues’ depicts the song that is sung to the white man representing the punishment for his actions. An explosive play involving different characters to depict different people in the society, ‘Blues for Mister Charlie’ is a must read. This play allows people room for focusing on issues such as race, Christianity and also sex.   Also, it has been structured and made into plays ac ted indifferent places. This book is recommended for theatre lovers. Book Jacket. Giovanni's Room (June 2000), Dell Publishing Company, IncorporatedJames Baldwin’s ‘Giovanni's Room’ is a non-fictional work sample that talks about a young man’s struggle with his sexual bias and identity. Being born naturally as a man, this young man finds himself trapped in a situation where he has to choose which direction to take, either to be straight or to be gay. At one point, he finds himself inlove with a young woman and proposes marriage. But at the same time, he has peculiar sexual desires which land him into an affair with a bartender! Therefore ha has to juggle in between the two. This jeopardizes his view of the conventional normal American lifestyle and sexual orientation. Bascally, James Baldwin’s struggle with sexuality is brought out in this piece of work and the review by book Jacket sums it up all. A classical gay literature depiction set in the 1950s.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Benefits of mobile applications in hospitality indusrty Essay

Benefits of mobile applications in hospitality indusrty - Essay Example in the service industry have a duty to identify the major resources that can help them generate competitive advantages in the course of their operations. Additionally, they have to be in a better position access these resources and capitalize on them effectively in the process of improving the performance of their businesses while being competitive in the industry. The type and relevance of resources changes from one company to another and may also rely on the factors present in the business’ external environment. So far, it is evident that some of the old resources used by companies in the past like personal contacts and offering low prices are fast losing their effectiveness as competitive advantages. These resources are being replaced by branding and quality as some companies have adopted them (Tsai, Song & Wong, 2009). Most companies, not only in the hospitality industry, have been researching and trying on new technologies in order to improve their competitiveness and enhance the quality of their products and services. When companies are developing these new technologies, they ensure that they set new policies and regulations to guide the use and application of these technologies in their business operations. One of the newly found competitive advantages for business and in the hospitality industry is dependence on information and technology. Information technology like the internet and mobile technology have become relatively new and significant sources of competitive advantages to firms. These technologies are very different from the previous strategies that some companies have relied on to enhance their operations and service delivery. Interestingly, most of the recent conventional researches and studies have not effectively portrayed information technology to be a significant factor that can enhance the success and excellence in companies’ performance (PraniÄ ević, Alfirević, & Ã…  temberger, 2011). Additionally, some recent studies have argued

Friday, October 18, 2019

Success of Kennedy Administrations in the Cuban Crisis Essay

Success of Kennedy Administrations in the Cuban Crisis - Essay Example During the public stage of this situation, low-level reconnaissance missions on a two hour basis were eventually ordered by Kennedy. Then, on 25, Th the quarantine line was pulled back, increasing the levels of DEFCON’s military readiness. Later on, Khrushchev Soviet’s then Premier wrote a letter proposing the removal of Soviet missiles and personnel only so that the U.S. would assure them that they would not invade Cuba, and this was on 26th. However, 27th October was regarded as the worst day of the crisis because a U-2 which was flying over Cuba was shot down with Khrushchev, making another demand which was the removal of missiles belonging to the US, which were situated in Turkey in return for their missiles in Cuba. This was also through a letter where the Attorney General Robert Kennedy later on, suggested that they agree with the first letter only. Finally, tensions eased from 28th October when the Soviet agreed to dismantle their missile installations and remova l of light bombers from Cuba as long as the US would not carry out a military invasion of the Island.During the public stage of this situation, low-level reconnaissance missions on a two hour basis were eventually ordered by President Kennedy. Then, on 25, Th the quarantine line was pulled back, increasing the levels of DEFCON’s military readiness. Later on, Khrushchev Soviet’s then Premier wrote a letter proposing the removal of Soviet missiles  and personnel only so that the U.S. would assure them that they would not invade Cuba.

Possible Recommendations for Drowling Mountain Essay

Possible Recommendations for Drowling Mountain - Essay Example Operating as a nonprofit resort meant that the organization did not have any income generating activity but after its lease to Ian MacArthur, things took a new turn. This specifically means than for the business to continue flourishing as the leading skiing resort, the management should encourage more privatization efforts. Owing to the numerous challenges that the Drowling Mountain faced in its operations, one can insinuate that it performed rather well in the 2009-2010 financial year, at least going by the financial statements recorded during the year. Perhaps the first major recommendation that would save Drowling Mountain from the previous downward trend and set it for a financial takeoff is the adoption of new marketing strategies. Keeping cognizant of the fact that the competition is very stiff, particularly when it comes to the skiing industry, Drowling Mountain can only embark on a robust marketing campaign to attract more tourists. This is majorly because despite the fact th at Drowling Mountain is strategically located at the highest ski mountain, it has won the love of the local Syracuse residents in the past. In addition, most lovers of skiing prefer Drowling Mountain especially the local population who perceive that the skiing resort is one of their own besides offering a host of other hospitality services apart from skiing. When it comes to the management of the organization, much more need to be done in order to ensure that all the departments are fully functional. This ought to start with the restructuring of the Board of Directors in order to eliminate any redundant positions while creating new and deserving managerial positions. This will actually lead to enhanced efficiency in service delivery that will translate to high customer satisfaction. Currently, there are only eight members in the board out of the required eleven, which means that there are lapses in concrete decision-making and overall management of the resort. Perhaps another recomm endation that would befit Drowling Mountain is the use of industry comparable to take the company to the next level. Although Cartier had done a good job in this perspective, it is important to advise that the resort needs to compare with other players within the industry in order to set a benchmark from which to operate. This will not only help in keeping track of their rivals’ profitability and strategies but it will also help the company come up with better strategies to gain a competitive advantage. This means that in addition to looking for outside and new sources to finance initiatives that could chip in, the company needs to find a lasting solution to the long-term debt that has always kept a toll on its working capital. Instead of digging into the market dynamics, Cartier should simply enhance the cash position of the company by expanding the services through active encouragement of the tourists to enjoy other services of the resort apart from skiing. Since a vast maj ority of the customers have complained of exorbitant pricing by Drowling Mountain, it would be appropriate to consider the pricing strategy. Taking into consideration the advanced ski hills owned by Drowling Mountain, more tourists should be encouraged by fair pricing that would give them value for their money. This way, the company would experience a tremendous rise in its yearly profits because, currently, it is the resort of choice for most tourists despite the fact that it is the most expensive resort in Syracuse. It is understandable that customers tend to remember the lower prices even if there is an increase and there will be a careful strategies to make the customers understand in case of any price increase in the future. Perhaps the section that needs a major overhaul in Drowling Mountain

Risk Assessment For nonprofit hospital Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Risk Assessment For nonprofit hospital - Essay Example Evidently, the industry is highly vulnerable to information theft more than ever before. In modern healthcare settings, risk factors are impulsive and hence comprehensive risk assessment programs are essential to meet the challenges. According to the current day concept, risk assessment is not simply a precaution but a preventive healthcare approach that mitigates the impacts of a number of risk factors (The National Patient Safety Agency, 2007). Why Risk Assessment It has been stated that â€Å"each technical advance brings new security holes† (Rogers, 2011, p. 2). According to the writer, storing data over the internet involves incessant threat from hackers and malware. Burger (2010) describes the Kern medical center’s intense struggle with computer virus to regain its data, for the virus had downloaded ‘tons of porn documents’ and crashed all computers causing great dilemma. The incident has been cited by many experts to show that hospital data is always vulnerable to identity theft. For instance, Fell (2010) also points out that hospital computer systems are under the threat of information theft referring to the mayhem caused by virus at Kern Medical Center. According to the officials of UC Davis Police Department, the author says that "Hospitals are a soft target where a cyber attack can cause a lot of damage quite easily† (as cited in Fell, 2010). ... 3-5), the business environment highly involves intense competition and technical complexity which raise considerable amount of vulnerability risk to organizations of every type. Hence it is important to have a reliable risk assessment program for every firm to ensure the security of their data and other areas of organizational functions. And risk assessment in the view of the writers is â€Å"a systematic process for describing and quantifying the risks associated with hazardous substances, processes, action, or events† (Covello & Merkhoher 1993, p.3). Risk Assessment Tools There are certain effective free vulnerability scanning tools that can help non-profit organizations to address this issue. Nessus is one of the most important security vulnerability scanning tools. The website gives very detailed information about the vulnerability scanning tool-Nessus. The site has included several frequently asked questions and their answers along with the basic instructions for its user s. A close analysis of Nessus’ official website gives a clear picture of its total functions (Nessus). The relevance of Nessus has been well described in Rogers (2011). According to the author, tools like Nessus have been helping organizations to assess the vulnerability of their systems. It can also be used to check for misconfiguration vulnerabilities like open mail relay and missing patches (p.291). Evidently, Nessus is widely accepted as the most comprehensive vulnerability scanning program available today, for it helps clients to assess the level of their system’s vulnerability to data theft or virus attack (Nessus: online encyclopedia). The website, SecTools.Org conducts regular surveys to identify and list the community’s favorite software through multiple

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Hydrogen Fuel Cell Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Hydrogen Fuel Cell - Essay Example The end of inexpensive sources of energy, brought about largely by the Arab oil boycott, made the search for energy alternatives imperative. Several companies are developing fuel cells that they hope will replace conventional internal-combustion engines in automobiles over the next few decades. According to a report fuel cell developers nowadays, even government agencies, and automakers are working hard to accelerate the introduction of fuel cell toward commercialization. What is fuel cell all about How effective it is According to a website "A fuel cell is an electrochemical device that combines hydrogen and oxygen to produce electricity, with heat and water as its by-product. As long as fuel is supplied, the fuel cell will continue to generate power. It produce electricity through electrochemical reactions. No other energy generation technology offers the combination of benefits that fuels cells do. In addition to low or zero emissions, benefits include high efficiency and reliability, multi-fuel capability, durability and ease of maintenance." It aims to have a clean transport for the future. Fuel-cell technology that promises to revolutionize the global car business is now coming to market" according to a newspaper article. Fuel-cell technology is particularly suitable for city buses because it offers much lower noise levels and has no polluting emissions. Efficiency of Fuel Cells Many large automakers are now adapting fuel cell technology for automobiles. It is proved as a good substitute to gasoline. It is found cleaner, because of hydrogen. Fuel cells produce only pure water as exhaust. It only produce far less pollution than conventional technologies. Quieter, vibration free and more energy efficient than internal-combustion engines. Fuel cells combine hydrogen and oxygen electrochemically without combustion to supply electricity. Fuel cell engines will likely run on conventional gasoline, but with a fraction of the emissions of a normal engine. The fuel cell is also being explored as a way to generate electricity. In a fuel cell, hydrocarbons are combined with oxygen to produce electricity directly, much the same way lead is consumed to make electricity in a storage battery. Fuel cells are more efficient than conventional power plants because there are no turbines or other mechanical devices to waste energy through friction or heat. The website added (www "Operating times are much longer than with batteries, since doubling the operating time needs only doubling the amount of fuel and not the doubling of the capacity of the unit itself." Until now, fuel cells have been small devices. However, the Pratt and Whitney Aircraft Division of the United Aircraft Corporation is planning a 26 megawatt portable fuel cell generator that will produce enough electrical power for 20,000 people. This plant is designed to use natural or synthetic gas and to provide an economical and pollution-free means for power companies to meet peak load demands. According to Fuel Cell Market, fuel cells are found "Reliable. Because the absence of combustion and moving parts means that fuel cell technologies are expected to provide much improved reliability over traditional

Art history term Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Art history term - Assignment Example 56). it is an ancient Roman statue in Rome Italy. It is made of bronze and is 4.24m tall. It shows many similarities t the standing statues of Augustus. The original one is n display in the Capitoline Museums (Hourihane and Colum, 2012, P. 56). they were initially described by a German archeologist. They were delineated from the excavation of wall paintings at Pompeii. The pictures also tell about the prosperity of the area. The principal purpose of the frescoes was to minimize the claustrophobic interiors of Roman rooms (Hourihane and Colum, 2012, P. 56). it has a halo around the head of Emperor Justinian. He stands in the middle. Empress Theodora is depicted as the goddess. The mosaic with her shows figures moving from left to right of the church (Hourihane and Colum, 2012, P. 72). the symbolism declares the promised salvation of man in the next world. The four lunettes from across. The picture shows that Jonah was cast from a ship. He then went into a belly of a whale (Hourihane and Colum, 2012, P. 72). it is the site of 6th and early 7th centuries. One of them contained an undistributed ship burial. It sheds light on a period of English history. The has been crucial to understanding the Anglo-Saxon kingdom (Hourihane and Colum, 2012, P. 72). it contained many grave goods and two female human skeletons. The interment of the ship into its burial mound dates from 834 AD. The parts of the ship date from around 800. The ship seems to be older (Hourihane and Colum, 2012, P. 72). the most visible symbol was the palace itself. The palace chapel was placed in a central octagon. The Statute was intended to be set up with a fountain in front of the chapel. At the time, it was called the Renovation (Hourihane and Colum, 2012, P. 72). There was the inclusion of traditional symbols. The symbols are the Eagle of John, the Lion of Mark, and

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Hydrogen Fuel Cell Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Hydrogen Fuel Cell - Essay Example The end of inexpensive sources of energy, brought about largely by the Arab oil boycott, made the search for energy alternatives imperative. Several companies are developing fuel cells that they hope will replace conventional internal-combustion engines in automobiles over the next few decades. According to a report fuel cell developers nowadays, even government agencies, and automakers are working hard to accelerate the introduction of fuel cell toward commercialization. What is fuel cell all about How effective it is According to a website "A fuel cell is an electrochemical device that combines hydrogen and oxygen to produce electricity, with heat and water as its by-product. As long as fuel is supplied, the fuel cell will continue to generate power. It produce electricity through electrochemical reactions. No other energy generation technology offers the combination of benefits that fuels cells do. In addition to low or zero emissions, benefits include high efficiency and reliability, multi-fuel capability, durability and ease of maintenance." It aims to have a clean transport for the future. Fuel-cell technology that promises to revolutionize the global car business is now coming to market" according to a newspaper article. Fuel-cell technology is particularly suitable for city buses because it offers much lower noise levels and has no polluting emissions. Efficiency of Fuel Cells Many large automakers are now adapting fuel cell technology for automobiles. It is proved as a good substitute to gasoline. It is found cleaner, because of hydrogen. Fuel cells produce only pure water as exhaust. It only produce far less pollution than conventional technologies. Quieter, vibration free and more energy efficient than internal-combustion engines. Fuel cells combine hydrogen and oxygen electrochemically without combustion to supply electricity. Fuel cell engines will likely run on conventional gasoline, but with a fraction of the emissions of a normal engine. The fuel cell is also being explored as a way to generate electricity. In a fuel cell, hydrocarbons are combined with oxygen to produce electricity directly, much the same way lead is consumed to make electricity in a storage battery. Fuel cells are more efficient than conventional power plants because there are no turbines or other mechanical devices to waste energy through friction or heat. The website added (www "Operating times are much longer than with batteries, since doubling the operating time needs only doubling the amount of fuel and not the doubling of the capacity of the unit itself." Until now, fuel cells have been small devices. However, the Pratt and Whitney Aircraft Division of the United Aircraft Corporation is planning a 26 megawatt portable fuel cell generator that will produce enough electrical power for 20,000 people. This plant is designed to use natural or synthetic gas and to provide an economical and pollution-free means for power companies to meet peak load demands. According to Fuel Cell Market, fuel cells are found "Reliable. Because the absence of combustion and moving parts means that fuel cell technologies are expected to provide much improved reliability over traditional

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Human Adaptation Essay Example for Free

Human Adaptation Essay Even though human being is the next evolution of animal, people still have the basic thing that both animal and human being always have, and they cannot deny which is the adaptation of survival. The movie â€Å"Bicycle Thieves† is director Vittorio De Sica told the viewers a story of a poor father, who was searching for his stolen bicycle, and without the bicycle he will lose his job, which was to be the salvation of his young family. At the end, he cannot even find his bicycle; instead to steal from other but he was fail. All the quiet on the Western Front† is a novel by Erich Maria Remarque, who is a German veteran of WWI, shows people a painful picture, line of thought, and the adaptation of the young group soldier in the war. The adaptation is not always good but it is depend on the situation they are in. The adaptation from generation of Paul and his friends has suffered is bad because they got experience during the war, which they have to adapt for their survival throughout the grenade, bullet, and boom. Paul and friends from this generation adapt too much from the war to get the experience of survival. Therefore, they lost their youth, connection with family, and lost their future. Sometimes, Adaptation could make a person, who has a different thought, speak, and vote into the one whom is speechless, and the same thought as others, or simply that the one lost his or herself. â€Å"Shooting an Elephant† wrote by George Orwell, gives people an example of the adaptation from the police who being force to kill the elephant, and made the ridiculous excuse for his action. The story tells people how the police feels about the elephant if he shoot or not. At first, he thinks the elephant is innocent, however, the shooting still happens and he makes an excuse that the elephant might be dangerous to people who lives here even thought he knows the elephant stays far away from the town people lives. Actually, the adaption makes him thinks that if he did not shoot the elephant, those black people might beat him until death, and he has to adapt for his survival. Things might change, or something happens that makes people have to adapt at the environment, or situation they are in. There might be something force people to adapt or there might not, however, it is true that in people’s mind, they do not want to lose anyone else, therefore their brain force them to do something that develops their ability to adapt the right situation. As soon as the police see the elephant, he already knows that he â€Å"ought not to shoot him† (Orwell). Watching the elephant eat at a peaceful time, he â€Å" did not in the least want to shoot him†(Orwell). He recognizes that â€Å"every white man’s life in the East was one long struggle not to be laughed at. (Orwell). He was too scared to let the elephant alive because people will make fun at him as fool. The only thought in his mind â€Å"was that if anything went wrong those two thousand Burmans would see him pursued, caught, trampled on and reduced to a grinning corpse like that Indian up the hill†. At the end, Orwell has to adapt the opinion of two thousand Burmans as being what they want h im to be, otherwise; he would be like the man up hill. In â€Å"All the quiet on the Western†, Paul and his friends have show their suffer during WWI that they have to adapt it. They have to adapt harsh living condition; sometimes they might be starving, defecation with others, someplace does not supply any food, Paul and his friends has to find it by themselves. Kat, who always find food for the entire group, â€Å"He has two loaves of bread under his arm and a blood stained sandbag full of horse-flesh in his hand† (Remarque, 39). Sometimes, Paul and his friends have to see his partner or young soldiers die in front of their eyes and they have to adapt it. â€Å"Such a kid† Kat repeats it â€Å" young innocent† (Remarque, 73). Antonio, who is searching for this stolen bicycle. The only thing he cares it is his bicycle but it makes he mad because the neighborhood is trying to protect the thief, and the old man in the church refuse to give him the address of the thief (The Bicycle Thief). Sometime, people know who did that but most of them choose to be silent because they do not have enough evidence to prove it. It becomes the rule of this world, and people need to adapt it. Antonia knows exactly about the thief but he cannot prove when the thief hides the bicycle. He has to adapt this rule that he needs a lot of proof to prove it; otherwise, the thief can get away from the case. Adaptation likes the wind cause no one starts it, it just comes unexpected and people just entrain it. When people realize those changing by looking back at the past, they might lost their identity because of what they have done compare to an â€Å"old† in themselves. The war broke because of the pride of government that lead to the stupid decision. War is meaningless because both sides have to suffer a lot of painful from physical to psychological. Paul and his group have to adapt to the war for survival. They adapt too much for the meaningless war, which loss their youth, their connection with family, and their future. To them, the line between death and alive is too close that they do not know tomorrow they still pass it or not. Everyday, they are living in hope and dream that if the war is going to end tomorrow, what they will do. At the end, they are no longer a human being instead a war machines (Remarque). After finding the thief, and seeing people protect him, Antonia adapts to the rule of this world, however, he is misunderstanding and choosing the wrong way. He does not trust the society and a man who lost his bicycle. However, he still cares and wants to find his bicycle because the bicycle is the only income to feed him and his son. At the end, he becomes a bicycle thief just like the one who stole his bicycle. The movie ends with part that Antonia walk slowly into the society just like others because he lost his identity, and it likes others people, and there is no different between him and this society that force him to adapt it (The Bicycle Thief). As same as the police in the story â€Å"Shooting the elephant†, he is too scare to stand up and refuse to shoot the elephant. He is afraid to be alone, and he has to adapt himself into the situation or two thousand Burmans is going to beat him. Adaptation and changing himself likes others, and he lost himself by shooting the elephant. At the end, he realizes that he becomes a part of this society, and he does not even know this is who he is, he â€Å"could not stand it any longer and went away† (Orwell). Adaptation could release the natural of human that stays deeply inside of them, and when it outbreaks, people do not know who they are or they are unbelievable that is their natural. In The Bicycle Thief, the series of annoying events from the old man from the church who did not want to give Antonia the address of the thief. Then the neighborhoods that tried to protect the thief and blamed Antonia again. At the end, the adaptation has changed Antonia, or it seemly that the adaptation has released the natural that stays inside Antonia, and he slapped his son, which he will never do before (The Bicycle Thief). As same as All The Quiet on the Western Front, while the bomb war happens, Paul saved a new soldier in his group. Later, Paul finds that recruit is lying on the ground with his hip a mess of flesh and bone splinters at the joint. Kat and Paul know he will not survive cause of his wounds. Kat whispers to Paul that they should end his life with a gunshot before the wound is going to torment him. The adaptation of the war has changed their thought in the way of life. They thought that It would be better if someone take a bullet through their brain to stop the life that they has suffered, and it would be better to die rather than the wound is going to torment them. In Catholic, if someone still survives, they should try to save him or her rather than kill him even though they know it would be better when they just let him or her go. After shooting the elephant, the police did not feel guilty for what he did, beside, he defend himself that â€Å"legally he had done the right thing, for a mad elephant has to be killed, like a mad dog† (Orwell). Once again, the adaptation shows the real natural of this man who â€Å"avoid looking the fool†, believe what he did it is right, and defend himself because he does not want to feel guilty, and people feel shame on him. Life likes the wind, and people just like the clouds floating in the sky. Whenever the wind rise, the fragile cloud and easy to break that has to follow it, or it is going to vanish in the sky. Human is a one of the kind that has a complicated history from traveling around the global. Dr. Petrov who has the research about the genetic of human adaptation say that â€Å"The work suggests human beings have undergone rampant adaptation to their environment in the last 200,000 years of history†(New). When Antonia lead his son go to the expensive restaurant, but he cannot let his son eat the food as well as the child who eating on the next table. He says â€Å"if we want to eat like that, we need to earn lot† (The Bicycle Thieves). However, even though he does not have money, he still let his son eat at the expensive restaurant because he holds a hope, which will give his son a better life. they have to adaptation the situation right now, and when they find the bicycle he can give his son more than that( The bicycle Thieves). Under rapidly changing environments nowadays, skills that were functional are quickly outmoded requiring continual self-renewal. (Albert Bandura), and the key to get over this harsh life, it is adaptation.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Tariff and non tariff trade barriers

Tariff and non tariff trade barriers INTRODUCTION Despite all the evident benefits of international trade, governments have a tendency to put up trade barriers to protect the domestic industry. There are two kinds of barriers: tariff and non-tariff. Tariff Barriers Tariff is a tax levied on goods traded internationally, that is on imports. As a result, the price level of imported products rises and the demand for them decrease, thus imports are less. Non-tariff Barriers Non-Tariff Barriers (NTBs) include all the rules, regulations and bureaucratic delays that help in keeping foreign goods out of the domestic markets. Baldwin  [1]  defined a non-tariff distortion as any measure (public or private) that causes internationally traded goods and services, or resources devoted to the production of these goods and services, to be allocated in such a way as to reduce potential real world income. The WTO After the World War II, many countries focused on protecting home industries. So, international trade was hampered by severe trade restrictions. To remedy this situation, twenty-three nations joined together in 1947 and signed the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT), which stimulated free trade by regulating and lowering tariffs. The work of GATT is sustained by the World Trade Organization (WTO) which encourages global commerce and reduces trade barriers. Tariffs on goods and services have been reduced to low levels through eight successive rounds of the WTO; still there has been a significant increase of Non-Tariff Measurements which are seriously hindering trade. Countries use many mechanisms to restrict imports. NTBs have gained importance as tariff levels have been reduced worldwide. They are the greatest single threat to a liberal world trading system and they are becoming more widespread: the percentage of industrial countries total imports subject to NTBs rose from 25% in 1981 to 27% in 1983 and they are even higher today. NTBs are therefore one of the most important issues in the round of international trade negotiations. TYPES OF NON-TARIFF BARRIERS Non- Tariff Barriers to trade can be categorized in six types: Specific Limitations on Trade: Quota shares A quota is a restriction in value or in physical terms, imposed on import and export of certain goods for a certain period of time. For example, the US has imposed a quota on textiles imported from India and other countries. Import licenses/ Restrictive licenses Import licensing can be defined as administrative procedures requiring the submission of an application or other documentation, other than those required for customs purposes, to the relevant administrative body as a prior condition for importation of goods  [2]  . For example, in Washington, cheese and cheese products are subject to the requirements of the Food and Drug Administration and the Department of Agriculture and most importations of cheese require an import license and are subject to quotas administered by the Department of Agriculture, Foreign Agricultural Service  [3]  . In Mauritius, pesticides require import licence from the Ministry of Health, arms and ammunitions require import permit from the police and many others.  [4]   Exchange controls This is monitoring the amount of foreign exchange available to residents for purchasing foreign goods domestically or while travelling abroad is another way of restricting imports. Foreign exchange restrictions and foreign exchange controls occupy a special place among the non-tariff regulatory instruments of foreign economic activity. Foreign exchange restrictions constitute the regulation of transactions of residents and nonresidents with currency and other currency values. Import bans/ limitations This is a government order forbidding imports of a specific kind or from a particular country. For example, in order to protect the domestic manufacturers against cheap competition from the neighboring country, the government of India imposed ban on the import of Chinese toys. Moreover, many countries, like for example India, have impose a ban on food imports from Japan fearing contamination. Furthermore following a milk scandal that led to the widespread poisoning of babies in China, India banned the import of milk and milk products from China. Embargoes Embargo is a particular type of quotas prohibiting the trade, in other words, when imports from a specific country are totally banned. It is mostly put in place due to political reasons. For example, the United Nations imposed an embargo on trade with Iraq as a part of economic sanctions in 1990. Customs and Administrative Entry Procedures Customs Valuation There is a commonly held view that the invoice values of goods traded internationally do not reflect their real cost. This gave rise to a very subjective system of valuation of imports and exports for levy of duty. If the value ascribed to a particular product would turn out to be considerably higher than its real cost, it could end in affecting its competitiveness by increasing the total cost to the importer due to the excess duty. This would hence act as a barrier to international trade. Antidumping practice If a company exports a product at a price lower than the price it normally charges on its own home market, it is said to be dumping the product. Antidumping is prohibiting a country to dump, that is, to export goods at usual lower prices. Documentation requirements This is when complicated and unnecessary documentation requirements are asked by the importing countries. In Mauritius, according to the Mauritius chamber of commerce and Industry of Mauritius, these imports documents are required; invoice, showing the FOB and CIF value of goods; packaging lists; bill of lading; bill of entry; and where applicable; insurance certificate, certificate of inspection, certificate of origin and imports permits  [5]  . Rules of origin Determining where a product comes from is no longer easy when raw materials and parts across the globe are used as inputs in the manufacturing plants. Rules of origin are important in implementing such trade policy instruments as anti-dumping and countervailing duties, origin marking, and safeguard measures. Technical barriers to trade Technical Barriers Countries generally specify some quality standards to be met by imported goods for various health, welfare and safety reasons. In Mauritius, rice (imported by traders other than the State Trading Corporation) should not exceed 10% broken rice, bakery additives shall not contain potassium bromate as an ingredient  [6]  , etc. This facility can be misused for blocking the import of certain goods from specific countries by setting up of such standards, which deliberately exclude these products. The process is further complicated by the requirement that testing and certification of the products regarding their meeting the set standards be done only in the importing country. The Precautionary Principle The precautionary principle, is a government restrictions on trade in the context of environmental and health concerns, often regardless of cost or scientific evidence. The precautionary principle has been interpreted by some to mean that new chemicals and technologies should be considered dangerous until proven otherwise. It therefore requires those responsible for an activity or process to establish its harmlessness and to be liable if damage occurs. Sanitary and phyto-sanitary conditions This is a restriction on imports from certain places in order to protect consumers, the environment, or agriculture from harmful diseases or pests that may accompany the imported product. For instance, in Mauritius, agricultural goods require a phytosanitary certificate from the ministry of Agriculture, prepared foods, drugs, and chemicals with potential adverse effects on health require phytosanitary certificate from the Ministry of Health.  [7]   Packaging conditions, labeling conditions and product standards. Countries usually impose standards on classification, labeling and testing of products in order to be able to sell domestic products, but also to block sales of products of foreign manufacture. These standards are occasionally entered under the excuse of protecting the safety and health of local populations. In Mauritius, the establishment in charge for the control of standards mainly for food and other items is the Mauritius Standards Bureau. In addition, European exporters and investors are facing an increasing number of unjustifiable non-tariff barriers in the form of product certification, labeling standards, import approval requirements and customs clearance delays. Also, many of the Chinese standards such as the CCC standard require certification by the Chinese authorities before a product can be put on the Chinese market. Important information has to be submitted and the factory has often to be inspected at the expense of the exporter. Government Participation in Trade Complex regulatory environment Some countries have complex regulatory framework, for e.g. complex business registration and license, and thus this hamper free trade. For instance, rules recently enacted in China, prohibit European financial information agencies and operators to sell directly their services customers in China. Government procurement policies This is another type of NTB where governments pretty frequently follow the policy of procuring their requirements (including that of government-owned companies) only from local producers, or at least extend some price advantage to them. This closes a big potential market to the foreign producers. Subsidies to Local Goods This occurs when governments directly or indirectly subsidize local production in an effort to make it more competitive in the domestic and foreign markets. For example, tax benefits may be extended to a firm producing in a certain part of the country to reduce regional imbalances, or duty drawbacks may be allowed for exported goods, or, as an extreme case, local firms may be given direct subsidies to enable them to sell their goods at a lower price than foreign firms. Countervailing duties This is a duty placed on imported goods that are being subsidized by the importing government. This helps to even the playing field between the domestic producers and the foreign producers receiving subsidies. Buy national policy This is a policy hosted by the government to help the national economy. For instance, in 2009, the Paraguayan Finance Ministry specified changes to public procurement policy in relation to the national stimulus plan. That is, public bodies that seek to spend money from the stimulus money are to give preference to national goods and services. More specifically, domestic goods shall receive a preferential margin of 70 percent over imported products. In terms of labor, the announcement declares that at least 70 percent of the labor involved in stimulus projects shall come from local employees living in the territory of the contracting public authority. Charges on imports Variable import levy A  variable import levy  is a  levy  on imports that raises their price to a level at least as high as the domestic price. Such levies are adjusted frequently in response to changes in world market prices, and are imposed to defend administered prices set above world market prices. Under the  Uruguay Round Agreement on Agriculture, the variable levies of the EU have been converted into fixed tariffs or tariff-rate quotas. Border taxes It is a tax system for imports and exports, especially one that compensates for internal taxes in Common Market countries by levying fees or paying rebates. Others Voluntary Export Restraints This is an act of limiting exports. It happens when a country facing a persistent huge trade deficit against another country pressurized the latter to adhere to a self-imposed limit on the exports. For instance, after facing consistent trade deficits over a number of years with Japan, the US persuaded it to impose such limits on itself. Direct and Indirect Restrictions on Foreign Investments A country may directly restrict foreign investment to some specific sectors or up to a certain percentage of equity. Indirect restrictions may come in the form of limits on profits that can be repatriated or prohibition of payment of royalty to a foreign parent company. These restrictions discourage foreign producers from setting up domestic operations. Foreign companies are generally interested in setting up local operations when they foresee increased sales or reduced costs as a consequence. Thus, restrictions against foreign investments add impediments to international trade by giving rise to inefficiencies. PROBLEMS CAUSE BY NTBs The reduction of tariffs in progressive rounds of trade liberalization at the multilateral and regional levels has been mirrored by the rise to prominence of NTBs. NTBs for instance specific limitations on trade and charges on imports such as quotas, import ban and so on, will directly affect trade negatively as they will impact on exporting countries by decreasing or prohibition their exports. Although embargo is usually introduced for political purposes, the consequences, in essence, could be economic. This decrease or ban in exports, if it was of an important quantity/ value, will create serious economic catastrophe for the exporting countries and may result in Balance of Payments deficiency, a decrease in GDP, an increase in the level of unemployment and if nothing is done to remedy the situation, the country can go in a recession. NTBs in the customs and administration entry procedures category and in the standards category do not directly hamper free trade but they add to business cost. These testing procedures being expensive, time consuming and cumbersome to the exporters, act as a trade barrier. This will eventually raise their costs, leading to higher prices thus making them less competitive at international level, and small and medium enterprises may be discouraged to export. A vivid example is in Iran where  NTBs negatively impact on the trade of pistachio and shrimp products. The most important reasons for the reduced export of these products are Sanitary Phyto-Sanitary (SPS) and Technical Barriers (TB). According to WTO rules, countries are allowed to adopt regulations under the SPS and TB agreements in order to protect human, animal and plant health as well as the environment, wildlife and human safety.  [8]   However, by imposing NTBs, both counties will lose, that is, the country which imposes the NTMs also loses. This can be demonstrated by the following facts: for instance, Japanese consumers pay five times the world price for rice because of import restrictions protecting Japanese farmers. American consumers also suffer from the same double burden, paying six times the world price for sugar because of trade restrictions. Hence, allowing free trade in a way will benefit everyone. European consumers pay dearly for restrictions on food imports and heavy taxes for domestic farm subsidies.  [9]   HOW TO REDUCE NTBS The action should start from the top, that is, from the WTO itself. The WTO has already reached some agreements like the Anti-dumping Agreement, SPS agreements, technical barriers agreements and many other agreements. Moreover, RTAs is the first step to reduce NTBs, as it is easier to get the consensus of all an RTA members on a matter that the consensus of all the WTO members. In addition, RTAs normally constitute of country members with a similar/ more or less the same economic background. For instance, in ASEAN, most members are from developing countries while EU has members from developed countries. As a result, removing NTBs will benefits all the members equivalently. For example, there has already been an agreement on the general features of the process for eliminating NTBs in ASEAN. The process Involves, verification of information on NTBs, prioritisation of products/NTBs, developing specific work programmes, and obtaining a mandate from the ASEAN Economic Ministers to implement the work programme.  [10]   In addition, different RTAs have different methods of reducing NTMs. Such as, the Working Party on Regulatory Cooperation and Standardization Policies aims at building a shared regulatory framework and at achieving greater security for consumers and workers, better protection for the environment and reduced cost for international trade.  [11]  They also developed standards for agricultural produce that define minimum quality requirements in order to facilitate the trading process. CONCLUSION Free trade, will surely benefits many countries. Thus in order to allow trade to occur freely, tariffs as well as non-tariff barriers need to be reduced. However, sometimes for safety reasons, some NTMs are required. For instance the import ban on food from Japan is necessary in order to avoid the proliferation of the radioactive contamination. Thus some trade restrictions may be necessary for countries to ensure the safety of the food supply and the health of plants, animals and the environment. However, sometimes governments go beyond what is necessary to protect domestic industries.   Moreover, free trade can increase the poverty gap. This is so because developing countries and LDCs will not be able to compete with developed countries and multinationals may implant themselves in the LDCs just to reap the benefit of cheap labour and resources and does not contribute more to the development of those LDCs.