Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Modern Labyrinth Essays -- Literacy Analysis

Film is a type of narrating, and all accounts are, generally reused, contemporary movies must modernize an account of the past to make it open to present day crowds. This is the situation with the film, Pan’s Labyrinth. The fantasy of â€Å"Theseus and the Minotaur† has been changed and modernized in the 2006 film, Pan’s Labyrinth. The legend â€Å"Theseus and the Minotaur† and the ethics that exist inside it, present a setting in which it will be conceivable to decipher and dissect the film Pan’s Labyrinth as an advanced changing of the fantasy. So as to see how Pan’s Labyrinth has been revised, it is critical to initially comprehend the first legend of â€Å"Theseus and the Minotaur†. As per Edith Hamilton’s Mythology, the tale of Theseus and his journey to kill the Minotaur starts well before Theseus’s birth. â€Å"Minos, the amazing leader of Crete, had lost his just son†¦while the youngster was visiting the Athenian King† (Hamilton 211). So as to look for retribution, Minos attacked Athens and â€Å"declared that he would annihilate it to the ground except if at regular intervals the individuals sent him a tribute of seven ladies and seven youths† (Hamilton 212). At the point when the casualties arrived at Crete, they would be relinquished to a brute that was â€Å"half bull, half human†, known as the Minotaur (Hamilton 212). The Minotaur was housed in a maze where â€Å"escape was impossible† (Hamilton 212). â€Å"To this spot, the youthful Athenians were eac h time taken and left to the Minotaur† (Hamilton 212). This custom proceeded until one year, Theseus, child of the Athenian lord and beneficiary to seat, offered to be one of the people in question. Unbeknownst to the individuals, Theseus had each expectation of killing the monster. â€Å"When the youthful casualties showed up in Crete they were strutted before the occupants o... ...ce to valiantly and rebelliously act against power instead of aimlessly stay submissive. This film shows the intensity of honesty over fiendishness and the triumph of creative mind over dry subjugation similarly as the first story of Theseus and the Minotaur, yet with a darker new translation. Works Cited Filmtracks Modern Soundtrack Reviews. (2007, January 05). Recovered May 04, 2012, from Goodykoontz, B., and Jacobs, C. P. (2011). Film: From Watching to Seeing. San Diego, CA: Bridgepoint Education, Inc. Hamilton, Edith. Folklore. 1942. N.p.: Back Bay Books, 1998. Print VC. (2010, September 23). The Vigilant Citizen. Recovered May 05, 2012, from The Esoteric Interpretation of Pan's Labyrinth: interprentation-of-container maze/

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Essay on Diomedes, the True Hero of Homer’s Iliad -- Iliad essays

Diomedes, the True Hero of The Iliad In The Iliad, written in a third individual omniscient perspective, Homer gives an intense record of the tenth and a year ago of the Trojan War.â It was in Homer's record that the general concept of turning into an amazing legend arrived at its zenith; the decision of the better saint was not chosen the occasions they took an interest in, yet rather by their characteristics.â The antiquated Greeks had exacting measures for people to follow if they somehow happened to be viewed as legends. Most importantly, a man should have been a gifted warrior, yet this was not by any means the only necessity. To be a saint, a warrior needed to regard authority, both administrative and strict. The Greeks gave legends no space for pride. These men were to be humble, not just offering credit to their way of life and the divine beings for any incredible deeds they had done, yet additionally tolerating everything that occurred as Fate, not situations they had made for themselves. As it were, they d idn't make themselves what they were; somewhat, they had been foreordained to become it. The last necessity of being a saint was coolness. Saints were not allowed to be blinded by seethe or have temperament swings. In The Iliad, two Greeks are introduced to the peruser as saints. They are Achilles and Diomedes. In spite of the fact that they are both acceptable contenders for the title of saint, Diomedes is by a long shot the better of the two. Diomedes is one of the best and most intrepid of the Greek warriors. He is deferential to all power figures and has practically no pride. Continuously savvy and sensible, he might be the vision of the ideal aristocrat. Both Achilles and Diomedes effectively meet the primary necessity, that a legend must have expertise on the war zone. All through The Iliad, Homer recounts their mind boggling (however generally go... ...murder in fight, regard for power, modesty, and coolness enduring an onslaught. Relatively few men met all prerequisites, including Achilles, yet they were still seen as legends. Among Achilles and Diomedes, Diomedes was the better decision for the title of saint. He was one of the best Greek warriors. Diomedes was aware of power, humble about his victories, and was reasonable. Achilles had incredible battling aptitude also; be that as it may, he experienced difficulty regarding authority and keeping his cool, the two aftereffects of his unnecessary pride. On the off chance that Achilles had not been so prideful, he could have been an a lot more prominent warrior and legend, maybe accomplishing status equivalent to the divine beings. He basically had an excessive amount of pride. Diomedes was modest; hence, it was simpler for him to regard authority and keep a level head. Works Cited: Fagles, Robert, trans. The Iliad. New York: Penguin Books, 1990.

Friday, August 14, 2020

How to Deal With Negative Emotions and Stress

How to Deal With Negative Emotions and Stress Emotions Print How to Deal With Negative Emotions and Stress By Elizabeth Scott, MS twitter Elizabeth Scott, MS, is a wellness coach specializing in stress management and quality of life, and the author of 8 Keys to Stress Management. Learn about our editorial policy Elizabeth Scott, MS Updated on October 15, 2019 Photography by Elvira Kalviste / Moment / Getty Images More in Psychology Emotions Psychotherapy Basics Student Resources History and Biographies Theories Phobias Sleep and Dreaming This is a common problem for many people: just how are we supposed to deal with negative emotions that keep coming up when were stressed or hurt? Should we stuff our anger and frustration away and pretend it doesnt exist, so we can minimize the fallout from these emotions? Or should we risk making things worse by saying or doing the wrong thing? As it turns out, stuffing emotions  is definitely not the healthiest option and there are easy techniques that anyone can use.?? If youve wondered what to do with these feelings, however, you are not alone in struggling with negative emotions. Many people have the same question about stress and coping. When they feel overcome with negative emotions like hurt, frustration or anger, they know they shouldnt pretend they feel nothing, but they also dont want to dwell on negative feelings and ruminate. But while most of us have heard that these are not healthy strategies for stress relief, what other options are there? Choosing to Deal With Negative Emotions Ignoring feelings (like stuffing your anger) is not the healthiest way to deal with them.  Generally speaking, that does not make them go away but can cause them to come out in different ways.?? That’s because your emotions act as signals to you that what you are doing in your life is or isn’t working. Feeling angry or frustrated can be a signal that something needs to change. If you don’t change the situations or thought patterns that are causing these uncomfortable emotions, you will continue to be triggered by them. Also, while you are not dealing with the emotions you are feeling, they can cause problems with your physical and emotional health.?? Rumination, or the tendency to dwell on anger, resentment and other uncomfortable feelings, however, brings health consequences as well.?? So it’s important to listen to your emotions and then take steps to let them go. Rumination: Why Do People Obsess Over Things? Understand Your Emotions Look within and try to pinpoint the situations that are creating the stress and negative emotions in your life. Negative emotions can come from a triggering event: an overwhelming workload, for example.Negative emotions are also the result of our thoughts surrounding an event; the way we interpret what happened can alter how we experience the event and whether or not it causes stress. The key job of your emotions is to get you to see the problem, so you can make necessary changes. Change What You Can Take what you’ve learned from my first recommendation and put it into practice. Cut down on your stress triggers and you’ll find yourself feeling negative emotions less frequently. This could include: Cutting down on job stress.  Learning the practices of assertive communication (so you don’t feel trampled by people).Changing negative thought patterns through a process known as cognitive restructuring.?? Find an Outlet Making changes in your life can cut down on negative emotions, but it won’t eliminate your stress triggers entirely. As you make changes in your life to bring about less frustration, you will also need to find healthful outlets for dealing with these emotions. Regular exercise can provide an emotional lift as well as an outlet for negative emotions.??Meditation can help you find some inner space to work with, so your emotions don’t feel so overwhelming.??Finding opportunities for having fun and getting more laughter in your life can also change your perspective and relieve stress. Find a few of these outlets, and you’ll feel less overwhelmed when negative emotions do arise. You will also want to practice healthy options for ongoing stress reduction. Give them a try and you’ll feel less stressed. Stress Management Resources You Can Really Use