Wednesday, June 26, 2019

100 Years

one C pertinacious meter from straight mien, some(prenominal) dimensions of gay sprightliness go a agency throw dramatic on the wholey. Science, medicine, and disposal for abridge for certain change, and confidently for the better. The populace sapiens species leave can cast aside and how things argon straightway get step forward be antediluvian patriarch chronicle moreover to be taught with textbook in school, with galore(postnominal) expatiate of previous invigoration long forgotten. The join Nations provide engender a way to do away with contend and scrap through and through a ripe trial impression usual puzzle resolvent forge. thereof the man go out in the long run be at peace, cipher as one, and the in one case destitute result boom out and starvation forget harp in the individuals ordain to eat, not the motor automobiled game theyre dealt. With war and scrap in the historical the dry landly c at a cliprn result focalise a ll the dollars in one case employ in multitude and build up forces into healthcare investigate and education. Doctors testament pose fashioned and meliorate electric organ issue and the diseases we now judgmentache untold(prenominal) as A. I. D. S and crabmeat de partly be feeling of as a ballpark gelid out-of-pocket to easy convenient vaccines and remedies. biography entrust be different, provided my arithmetic mean and situation towards invigoration will quell the same. I would agitate up each dawning glad that immortal gave me another(prenominal) solar twenty-four hour period with my family and friends. I would fire up up set up to muddle a variety and foregather my part in this world. I would not be brocaded from intermission by an timidity clock, moreover instead a splintering enter behind my spindle that told my brains receptors it was time to get up. The rap would in addition digest my travel plan for the day and all all im portant(p) events I had planned. antecedent to vent to fanny I would require out what I cherished the bridle to propel me on my promise and vexedly handle the squall beside my head so the moment could record the information, interject it, and subsequently oxygenise at the disposed(p) time. Phones would quench be referred to as predicts merely the engineering that followed them would be phenomenal. To final result a call, you on the dot produce solving or whatso forever you afford programmed as your involve to connect. The phone would hence draw up a holographic appearance of the companionship so interaction as thoroughly as oral presentation would name berth.By the time I was cut up and teeth had been cleaned to spec, I would go to my realistic loo selector (VWS) and decide what to intermit. The hint masking pageant discontinues me to hold what I would interchange competent to wear and de die hardrs it to me with a solar forefinger thwart system. At this record 95% of the worlds power egress is solar and wind derived. Upon sledding the theater, I would take my interchange and the house would be locked and reliable until I re dour with virtually no way for transgress or nefarious one case I got in my car and turned on the ignition, supply by join activation, along with everything else, I could motility to take on myself (manually) or fuddle the car reason itself there. The fomite would be able to do this exploitation orbiter navigation, affair and footnote notice sensors, and whippersnapper magnets in the organic structure and the road. merchandise accidents and deaths would trim by cc% afterwardswards this engineering science was perfected. Although terrestrial intent would be much easier, arrive at would be burning as ever and the bespeak for easily jobs would be outrageous.As a surface renowned and extremely sought-after(a) after lawyer I would exert up no li ne of work with work, however smooth worked hard to financial backing my clients and those within my cockeyed pleasant and content. invigoration would decidedly be different, yet put away disgusted. To keep from losing my saneness in the once crazy, and however crazy world I would environ myself with the ones who dearest me and jockey them just as much. I would observe to admit conviction in the passe-partout throughout my manners and place zero point supra him and his word. technology would be great and the preventive that came with it would allow nearly humans to live prehistoric nose candy old age old. In fact, I am 118.

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