Friday, June 14, 2019

Deontological Versus Teleologica Ethical Systems Essay

Deontological Versus Teleologica Ethical Systems - Essay ExampleThis is because the helper injected the patient out of good intentions and the overdose could just be a result of misunderstanding the instructions given or forgetting them. Since the consequences of an satisfy are of less importance, the system is deontological. Utilitarianism Unlike ethical formalism, the utilitarian system judges the chaste worth of an action basing on its consequences. Therefore, a good action is that which results in the greatest benefits for the greatest number. This system seeks consistency with the belief that human nature seeks to reduce pain while maximising pleasure (Pollock, 2004). Because of this, people should always act ways that yield the greatest good/benefits verses to evil for all persons concerned. A disreputable raider can be hanged so that the residents of the place can learn from it and have peace as well. It is not justifiable to hang a thief but this injustice is outweighed by the positive consequences achieved by all the town residents. The system is therefore teleological. Religion In the religious system, the moral worth of an action is judged in relation to its conformity certain beliefs. These beliefs provide religious ethics that direct and guide on how people should live. The authority of these ethics, particularly among the Christians and the Jews comes from a petulant and a rational God. For the believers, God is perfect and thus his authority is unquestionable and is not subject to further examination. Therefore, a good action is that which conforms to the will of God. For example, champion should not steal even if the food was meant to save a dying person. The similarity between this system and ethical formalism is that the consequences of an action bears little incubus and therefore this system is deontological.

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